03 June 2010

Physical Education

Every day is an up/down hill battle.  I asked JB seriously the other day if he thought I was bipolar and his response was a yes and retroactive yes.  And he never addressed it by name previously, I think, because it wouldn't have been helpful for me.

I constantly feel like I'm trapped or like I'm losing.  And when the days are good, I can't for the life of me, imagine the terrible ones.  And vice versa.

Recently, I more and more recognize so much of my mother's sickness in my current self.  This alarms me so much--I think I have to let go of my dream for/of children.  I do not want to subject them to what JB already has to suffer through.

And yet all I want to do most days now is to let close people around me go.  To just go to work, do it well (my office is getting more and more official/adult/real every week), go home, cook something new, and just read/watch movies until I feel sleepy.

I don't want to be responsible or care for another person.  No matter the reward.  I can't even take care of myself.  I barely am able to convince myself in the bad moments that I need to not do self-harm.

It shouldn't have to be this way.  I thought I was trying to get help.  I am/was, but I feel this great self-imposed pressure which I've erected on behalf of the people around me in mind.

I just want anonymity and my own device-cure for loneliness.  I think I do choose the humdrum depression over these manic swings.

I worry now, that I can't get better or be well.  That everything that's been conditioned within me will stay and render me useless.

More nights than not, I fear that I'm not supposed to be living with the others/strangers around me.  That I should be put away.

This realization makes me so sad and tired.  I'm losing the retrieval.

(underbed stor)age