Even on the weekends, I'd trek to the library and come home with large tote bags full of books. And chew through them faster than moths in wool. Or the hungry caterpillar.
I don't actually know if either creatures have any quickness of speed.
But I stopped by the library today and am very excited about two new books of poems (Sarah Gridley's new Green is the Orator and Militello's Flinch of Song--which I've already starting and it's fucking amazing), plus a Joy Williams novel and collection of short stories (I heard her read at Juniper and I was able to not only follow engagedly, but I was pretty blown away by her style/voice).
Tonight is all of my favorite things: True Blood, cooking burgers with Mindy (my tomato/garlic confit is slow confit-ing away in the lowish temperature oven), reading, reading, sleeping. I want to grow old in this way.
Happiness is all the hours.
So you have become several morning voices sinceevening grew too deep to speak into. So you areanother, sheltering a little flask of sorry, withtwo eyes caged in wildness, lids too much like rainfall,
lashes a soprano's liquid pause. Since one mustworship the trees (their winter branches bonesin the fingers) and one must workshop the earth(astronomical as bodies mingled), I tell you to fall back
from the many windows beading a necklacewith their night. The world is always speaking hemsof dresses, evergreens, always speaking never.The world is the jawbone of where we cannot go.
The snow has the embroider of calm dogs lying,has you fallen long like rope among the flowers.Its briar patch of handmade paper expressesthe blankness of thousands. Its fire, a hand
that hungers unlike anything, its bloodstreamspoken like a torture. You will understand fleshbetter now, its fireflies deciphered, its clickingrosary beads of wordless sound. When you open
your mouth, those few birds that fly out casta calcium of swans. They pass aquariums for fearof watching at the window of another creature's life.The change around your center like the rain.
--Jennifer Militello