22 July 2010

My hands are broken

Yesterday, during the latter end of my Central Park bike riding w/ JDB, my hands got that sensation when they go dead--or asleep.  That feeling of them buzzing with less sensation than normal?  Then the odd pain which alarms?

They didn't ever really get back to normal sensation--I ate and replenished what was lost in my blood donation, and even this morning, my fingers don't feel right.

Today is a mirror--déjà vu of my last months at Apple.  The lethargy, lacklusterness.  I think it's resignation, acceptance of my decisions, my fate, what I must do to continue.

It's not promising or enthralling, to say the least.  I don't know what else I can do but continue, and try to plan things which might renew me.

And then I have these thoughts--of longing, or want.  Words I do not think I should ever say.  Words I have no license for.

I am unallowed.  I will try not to cry at work.

Don't you dare.

(underbed stor)age