16 July 2010


Sometimes, I remember what it was like 2 years ago--my life in SF.  I can't think of many cornerstone defining moments of my life (everything is tumultuous and constantly shifting up and down my forever cosine life)--but when I think of what I did, and who I met, and how I lived in SF--it's no wonder I want to return and always be there.

I miss the friends I made, then lost, then maybe am reminded about in random moments, objects, and sounds.

There's this heartprick wistfulness which isn't an ache--I wish I could relive it, over and over.  Some people want to relive college or high school--and while college was so great for me--the support and family of friends that I built--I want to relive San Francisco.  Undyingly.

And I know too--it gets better; there's always more.  Things are neverending.  Perhaps in another 3 years I'll think of my life in NY and want to relive this time.  Not likely, but perhaps nostalgically in a different way.

This week has been otherworldly.  I do not hate the person that I am, and I need to be kinder, more generous with myself.  But also more contained.  To be pure & open.  The sheet of shifting ocean.

I love you, so very very much.

(underbed stor)age