Update about this morning--over dinner Mindy told me she also thought the turkey burger had killed me this morning because she woke up and saw the sunlight coming through the window and she thought it was a sign that I had gone to heaven.
JJC calls her 'paranoid Asian,' now.
I finally got that flat fixed so I can ride to work tomorrow--I'm meeting Jason Daniel Baker tomorrow after work to have a post-work bike ride. He just got a new ride!
Today I came home, ate a snack, and watched Notting Hill. I laughed out loud at the cute/endearing parts, it felt so strange to hear my laugh out loud--usually because I don't laugh out loud. Especially alone, or to a movie. It reminded me of that one winter in my first apartment at UCLA when I was depressed after S disappeared for a few weeks and I felt like my life was over. While feeling this way, I watched Bridget Jones' Diary for the first time and now only did it make me laugh out loud heartily and often, but it renewed my hope for myself.
Nothing is all that bad. I'll get through things.