04 September 2010

Taboos, badges, shuffling, & mettle

Tonight I am sitting alone at a bar in Williamsburg by way of poor communication.

I've napped but I cannot help but feel so extraordinarily tired with my life. Dramatic, yes.

But I feel lonely. I can't remember the last time I felt this way. I know did often and for a long time, but all those points of my life merged into one line that is just a lump sum.

I cannot tell if I have been lonely all along. I fear so, but I'd dare not say it.

My IPA will nurse me. Then I will walk somewhere else.

Isn't that how it always goes?

Do not comfort me.

Somehow this one beer has reactivated all the cold shots of Cutty Sark I drank two hours ago, before I napped from the sheer exhaustion of my overwhelming.

(underbed stor)age