25 June 2010

Sketch Ride Home from Northampton

I forgot to talk about how on Tuesday night, I corralled a large group to caravan/get dropped off in Northampton since I/we were tired of drinking at the University Club, where all the Juniper activities are.

Besides, Northampton is supposed to be bitchin'.  It was refreshing to be at a local bar, and to have mix/many company.

Four of us decided to go dancing at the 90s hip hop venue down the street and were planning on taking a cab home since everyone else got into 2 cars to head back to Amherst.

Dancing was really fun except for the large guy in dreadlocks who tried to hold my hand (I wasn't even dancing with him--he wasn't even dancing).  Weird.

Anyway, no cab company I googled picked up and I tried so many numbers.  We were planning on walking back (ridiculous), but Spencer kind of asked a random stranger stranded outside the club to give us a ride and he did.

It was totally scary to get a ride home from a stranger, but the guy was nice and Dustin had an emergency exit plan (kick the emergency brake, etc.) and Maureen texted the car's plates to her husband.  Mostly, I sat in the back passenger seat readying myself to be a human cannonball.  It turns out later that my door didn't even open.

We had him let us out in the middle of campus and it began to pour.  My shoes are still wet.

Do not do this.

(underbed stor)age